becOme a wHite Rabbit or haMster?
haA i think sometimes i jus talk w/o using brain.. lazy to think? mayb mayb... While shopping, we passed by a shop then Xt point at a top which got a pic of 2 cats to me.. I took a glance & said, 'Nah.. i'm not born in the year of cat wat...' ops aft saying i noe i utter rubbish again.. Xt laugh b4 i can react, 'Who born in the yr of cat huh??' ;- haa nvmd, i think i suan her more tt day.... ;C)
oH yeaA... "topless 5" nt in my stomache still ley!! Xt dun wanna eat anymore ice-cream coz she jus eaten a lot tt morn (her classmates brought to NTU to let them sample).. haaaa then i pester & pester & even sing out the word "topless 5" many times, then she finally agreed to walk ard 1st b4 we go Swensons... In d end ley? eyes red red forgot all abt it le... >_<
Hah hah hah....b4 i forget, dear Xt ah in e MRT when i 1st suggest, 'let's go eat topless 5..' She replied very loudly 'TOpless..?' the "5" haven come out of her mouth then a guy turn ard & look at her.... wahaaaaa aft tt i laugh till..... ;D ;D ;D
Ok ok naughty me keep laughing at Xt... er erm as usual =D. At MAS, i told her i've tried the Ben & Jerry's ice-cream.. then she sounds so excited.. She oso bought but due to the fact tt she went NTUC on the last day of promo, v few flavours r left.. so she ended up buying the dunno wat monkey..banana & XX.. I said i got try the choc w/ mashmallow & choc chunk (fish) wan.. haa tt makes her so "dui"..haaahahaha... k la but i did console her in d end, coz i commented it wasn't tt fantastic as wat many pple said.. It's like nth...(sth similar to my home-make "Milo" ice-cream.. hahaa who wanna set up a new brand of ice-cream??) keke anyway it's so eX & nth special la.. OH YEA yea somemore the taste of the Choco fish's really awful (forget to warn Xt)!!! & oso tried the choc w/ choc brownie, hmm worst then e prev one.. Generally, Swensons's still my fav!! ^_^
Aiy anyway, my taste & preference won't change to suit the trend wanz.. Only like if i think it's really good! One good example is the bread these days.. Last time bread used to be "not-nice-to-look-but-taste-not-bad" but now it's generally "pay-so-much-for-nice-to-look"... nice names & beautiful decos nt necessarily means it'll taste gd... most of the time, jus a waste of $$.. I'm utterly dissappointed as my fav confectionery at AMK central change boss or 'da4 gai3 ge2' i'm not sure.. but it turned into a "Bread-Talk style"..... wah, my fav breads now ALL "out of press" le!!! ::>_<::
Oh yea Xt said NTU's jap food v cheap & nice.. kk i'm definitely gg to try out when i go there... Plenty of chance i tink.. Py's graduation, R oso ask me to help tend a booth & best of all, Xt now studying there... ;p
At 6:06 PM,
Inarticulate said…
I'm working part-time in NTU! I also tried the Jap food! But not sure if its same stall shes talking abt.. its the Canteen A [I think] near the Lecture Theatre 2A and the big library.
Come find me also then can have lunch together!
At 8:17 AM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
oh wow ur job at NTU?? so far fr ur hse leh.. 'pei fu pei fu'... haa study is no choice but work.. hmm... haa they mus b paying u gd.. ;D
hah no prob, nex time go sms u if u're ard.. ;p
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