World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

dreaMz fm~

Funnyz.. dreamt of the same person almost consecutively for the past few days.. w/ other different frds on different days.. hah this nv happened bef.. weird weird! Ppl oways say dreams r opp of reality.. dunno true anot but anyway nvmd la... even if true I oso prefer nt to hv bad dreams... ha..rrreally scared of nightmares man..(sweat*)

Anyway, dunno y these days computer oso 'weird weird' wanz.. sometimes very retarded.. Even aft I removed all da spywares.. K now it's my chinese S/W tt keeps hanging my PC whenever I try to open it.. yy? Ah...w/o chinese prog, half things can't be done: can't send/reply chinese emails.. type chinese n etc... ;-\ Furthermore 'dear' frdst website which I thought had improved a lotz since it jus started in terms of speed n so on.. Now? It jus keeps me from logging in!! urRgh... dunno is it my PC or their system's prob... Hate "coOkies"!! wahaA...but definitely nt the ones tt i usu eat^~


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