How I wish pple don't hv to ask me where am I studying? which course? subjects? etc etc... I wished I dun hv to mention anyth abt sch stuffs once I'm outa it!! Worst still, I hate to hear pple asking: what are ur plans? what do u wanna be when u grad? why don't u further ur studies aft u get ur honours? Ahh... & Pls no ask me abt sch work (esp when outside sch).. I dunno.. I really dunno... (DuN WanNa tell pple the wrong infor, or create any misunderstandings dat I purposely say the wrong thing or even worst, dun wanna share my knowledge or wat..) I'm no lecturer, no genius & definitely nt a hardworking student!! I know myself too well.. Only under exams condition those infor read & learned may be recalled, fr somewhere deep down in my brain (perhaps due to stress)... Aft ev paper, I dun discuss much abt e qns unless there's some doubts abt e meanings etc.. & At the end of evth, pls don't ask abt ReSuLts!!! >_< Gd or bad, I don't wished to be asked.. When I feel like saying, I will. [K I noe all these words r too strong.. but jus feel like putting it down as it'll makes me feel muCh better. That's the purpose of my blog ;p]
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At 6:59 PM,
AnGeLiC PiE said…
i love u :P do u love mi too??? ^^
At 9:45 PM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
Yes coz! My buddy mah... r& I really hope u can solved evth asap.. Like to see the cheerful u when i cya nex time k? =P
At 7:13 AM,
AnGeLiC PiE said…
i do hope to solve everything too... but when i tot that i can handle everything... no problem... something else happen.... :(
mayb i was wrong all along... i heed ur advice but it seems too late...
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