World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Smiling as I fall asleep...

Dt a bit stressed up w/ life these days so called Xt to go out get some fresh air.. Last day of 'chun dao he ban'.. & poor Xt hv to bring along a heavy laptop to discuss work w/ St.. Ahh u two ah, this is the last time ok? nO more work stuffs!! urrgH.. e nex time we'll all go out & hv fun must be as 3Buddies: D-t, X-t & S-t (nOt some 'work partners' hoR??! ) Hee see, wat nice names! Jus like 3'Xiong Di', nono shd be 3'Jie Mei' wahaaa...!

Heh... the fireworks rEally makes the whole trip worthwhile!! Thought it'll be anoth boring 'chun dao he ban' trip... dats y intended go a while 'jiu hao'.. 'Mei xiang dao' on e way back (walk thru Esplanade to City-link), suddenly heard 'bomb...' then saw pple running outa e building... Hey got fireworks!!! [The mOst happy thing is tt I feel sO lucky to jus bumped into it!!] & it jus started only! We quickly walked to e open space too.. =P Heh I wanted to run but hor, cannot la.. 'll looked like a kid! Hee but hor, really luv 2watch fireworks mah!! It has been so many yrs since I last seen it directly (no longer the reflections on other pple's windows during Nat Day).. Wow so beautiful... 8mins (xt said watch till neck tired, ha then me? coz not la.. ha)!! If i knew got fireworks tt nite, shd 'jio' more pple go.. (hmm who'll bother?) but anyway, how I wish e nex time I watch it'll be w/........

K, anyway aft fireworks dt mood v gd.... so dt & xt insisted mus go chocolate bar drink choco!!! Heh.. keke by then, already ate a lotsa stuffs le.. Chicken cheese hotdog, "O-ah-me-sua", ice mango, 'he ye fan' (steal xt's wan), & ending e day w/ a mug of hot "Italian Traditional Choco".. v full.. & err nex time nt going to order tt again (xt remind me ah).. prefer sth else la ;p

Back home.. lying on bed... thinking of the fireworks I saw.... so nice.. so beautiful... smiling as I zzz.....


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