World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Sunday, March 27, 2005

mOre thoughts leSs words

Heh so many things happens everyday.. haa the more things I've in mind, the less I type... What's this manz... Ha perhaps I don't know where to begin ba.... kk, till now let me see what's left in my mind... Ah some time ago a frd told me Sony & BMG merged?.. doesn't sound like a gd thing to me though... the mgt & all that changed..... & things doesn't seems as gd as it used to be.. Anyway it's non of my biz, jus "kaypo"! ;D

One bad thing abt recent weather was the "haze" or wat Mark called it "smog"... from dunno Indonesia's forest or Singapore's "forest" fire!!... So "choky".... sometimes makes me sneeze non-stop, sometimes makes the whole area smells, & even makes my eyes dry & red! ;-\ So, in d end I don't even noe wat exactly causes my current eye condition. Contacts/smog!? Oh yah, I bought a new type & brand of lens.... sounds great but haven't gotta try it out yet coz I jus opened a new pair of bi-weekly ones last wk.. But can't wait to try sia~


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