World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Ha aft watching "Hitch" halfway then realised Hitch was the name of a consultant! ;D ;D nt bad... a roughly 2hr show..which makes the 8.50 worthwhile.. haa no la, but I think it's quite a funny show (er erm, though some ppl don't agree lo).. but anyway I still quite like it.. heh guess it's jus time to relax & laugh... plot is nt tt impt aft all in a comedy~ ;P Anyway, ea of us is holding on to a lollypop & xt's the "best".. 2hrs & still cant finish tt tiny candy! wahaA.. hey hey dun beat me hor.. But anyway, didn't expect it to be so long..watched till pass midnight... hah thx to zulu.. tt we don't hv to take cab! ^_*

Recently keeps "reporting" to docts.. hiyy & the last time visit my 'daifu', he said tt I still looked like vaMpire... yes this's wat he say exactly, funny hor..? but been taking a lotsa tonic (tt doct recommended) for da past dunno how long le but seems tt my pulse's still nt "up to std" ;-\ (though much better & yes my blood pressure increase to norm le!Yeah!!)... but he said I need to continue.. kk must jiayou liao.... (ha but hope my nose won't bleed sia.. hAA~) Yes, some more bad stuffs.. polyclinic doct on d other hand says now no wear contacts.. urrgh..tts y last nite dt walked ard Orch blur blur... Can't imagine how I'm going to survive in sch w/o them!.. ;( but I rather hv a temp rest than can't wear them ever again.. [Pray hard nth goes wrong**]

Hmm wat else? dreamt of sth last nite.. sorta heart-breaking wanz... the selfish side of me hope tt it won't happen one day.. but the reality is, who knows? ....ha sometimes jus was wondering, wat a pathetic "lad" I am now... ..


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