World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Monday, March 07, 2005

whO aM I

{no ans.}

LOves the sun & the rain....

Likes sad songs, lyrics, composing, writing & even posting sad stuffs...but holds a rather more optimistic view at things mOst of the time... (Sometimes hv to force ownself to be more pessimistic.. to avoid greater dissappointment?)

When satisfied w/ a current situation, jus wanna enjoy tt moment & don't be bothered by anyth else...but somehow, carries fears & worries abt the future.. (self-contradictory!?)

Loves open space, excitement, fun, lively events...but oso enjoyed being alone, loCked up... (split personality??)

Feels so fortunate most of the time...but the depressed sidE is there all the while... (coexistence?)

Little things can brighten up..but oso daMpens the day easily... (xi3 nu4 wu2 chang2?)

Able to like & dislike a person at the same time.. (wat is this manz?)

Enjoys the process of learning..but hates studying & exams to the cOre!!... (normal?)

Can be someone who accepts the idea of 'tian1 ta1 xia4 lai2 dang1 bei4 gai4', being "happy-go-lucky"...but feels so stressed up w/ life as well.... (??)

Often take things easy..but aware tt am a perfecTionist in fact... (scratch scratch*)

Very open-minded to others...yet being traditional while dealing w/ inNer-thOughts... (ha~)

Can accept others faults....but can't 'bao1 rong2' own miStakes.. (zi4 wo3 yao1 qiu2? >_<)

Willing to share 'kai1 xin1' :) stuffs...but keeps 'bu4 yu2 kuai4' ;'( things... (spread happiness & minimise sufferings?)

Smile/ laugh when feel like it...but hold back tears & ctrl anger as far as poSs.. (gd actor? >_^)

Don't like the idea of being controlled by others...but can't helped to be controlled emOtionally sometimes... (wu2 nai4!)


  • At 6:19 PM, Blogger AnGeLiC PiE said…

    wahahahaha.... no wonder we so clicked..... -______________-!! jialat... somehow like bu zheng chang.... well.. mi thst is....


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