World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Yeah!! now my Richwin97 works nomally againz (aft a few times uninstalling & installing back)! Heheee... but hor me jus bought & install Chinese Star ley... SOmemore is aft a few exchange then I got the right version..(coz mus find one tt's compatable w/ my Win98 SE ma ^_*) Optimistic view: aft trying out Chinese Star, convinced by wat everybody who used the two S/Ws bef said. Richwin's more user-friendly! (k, mayb i need more time to get used to CS).

kk I noe it seems like evth I use is v outdated.. No choice lar.. If can use then continue to use lo... wasteful to keep upgrading while the old ones r still usable, rite? So...hp & cpt shall continue to "serve me" while cam need to upgrade liaoz (still will use sometimes coz negs still results in better qlty pics).. heh heh a bit 'an4 shuang3' tt the Sony 5.1mp digi cams prices hv dropped by ard 200+ (hoped I din see wrongly)!! haha aft exams this june or perhaps during this yr's Comex Fair, I'm surely gonna buy one! :D

Dunno y today mood quite gd! Mayb coz yest & today din study..(wahaa*) Oh tts nt too gd but nvmd la, gotta relax... & my eyes turning red again (aft wearing contacts- oh nO dun tell me my eyes sensitive to contacts liaoz)!! Anyway mus let it hv more rest... past few days StARed too much at cpt! Ok recalled: today erm... went out w/ fam go buy things... sell things.. came home makan makan... watched pre-recorded shows (last night's Guess Guess Guess, fri night's X-treme makeover--> tOuching!)... bla bla... Hah guess I kinda 'chong3 huai4' le coz now don't hv so much patient to wait & watch commercials.. Instead, jus liked to rec it & F-Fwd all da 'guang3 gao4-s'.. Silly, shd hv bought a G-code VCR tt time! >_<

Keke tonite preparing to hear an interesting "story"..........

keke now getting better at Chinese Star.. Richwin97 is too old liao, think it clashes w/ my new vers of msn. Anyway, I email all Sg dealers le, if wan upgrade RW one say need $110 and anoth one says $150, ha see how pple like to anyhow 'kan3 cai4 tou2'? But heh find dealer no.2 more skillful/ better in mkting coz he said sth like outside selling for $300 but we provide update for only $150.. Dealer no.1 only said, available & $110. Hah see, pple w/ better biz knowledge can 'hun4' better in this line..... but as a consumer, coz nt gg to upgrade now la, X$ ;p

heh... oh BTW guess life's getting more interesting for xt le.....

Update (170305):
yo hu... now completely switched to Chinese Star lo.. nt bad... hv more fonts n etc... heh~


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