World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Wat's neW?

Heard abt the "Discovery Studio"? ..opened at Level 4, Century Sq.. @that place, anyone can record ur own song/ produce ur own CD at $38 for one song... heard from St, 10songs or wat cost $100++ near to $200...including photo shoots or what... nt sure if I rmb correctly... Hah & jus happened to catch a short clip on it on TV a few wks ago, hosted by Darren (Lin Ming Lun).

Nv been to Tamp for a long I dunno wat's going on there, esp aft the "upgrading" which I saw only on papers.. But anyway, I was quite surprised tt the "studio" was along the walkway, w/ a transparent glass window... Looks like a "display" to me.. which shows a gd view of the whole recording rm.. Hmm...wondering, is that on purpose? that customers can be put "on show" attract other "potentials"..?? Haaa... (k/d*)

Anyway find tt "Idea" not bad, in terms of "business-idea"... Sure can make $$ wanz.. Esp tt hot "KTV-trends" in Sg rite now... Haa but jus tt CS may nt be a gd location coz rental's too ex... As long u hv sufficient adverts, pple who wanna hv their voice recorded wouldn't mind travel all da way to some "ulu" places to ur studio. Rite? & Tamp's oso quite outa place for majority of Sg-reans... ;D Perharps I'm wrong ba... maybe the owner had got great rental bargains there at CS 'ye3 shuo1 bu4 ding4'... (ha I shdn't be too objective).

Speaking of KTV, recently I saw K-box's advert on dunno wat new range of drinks... wat red date tea etc etc.... haa, is tt sth tt'll attract us KTV-lovers to ur KTV outlets? Nah...I don't think so, at least for me la.. I personally don't quite like. Unless some frds organised, I won't initiate a sess there.. ;p Err... how to put it? ..err generally doesnt hv all "my type" of songs, & they tends to focus too much on new songs where nt everyone knows how to sing upon new albums release.

Not long ago I also read abt an article on LHZB by our fellow txy abt KTVs in Sg... most of them aft comparing K-box, K-ster & Party World, prefer K-box.. Perhaps it's "Gen-Gap" againz.. Many youngsters like 5566, Energy, SHE etc etc whose latest MTVs can only be found in K-box.... & as a result, they went K-box 4 tt reason.. I really hv frds who went every wk w/o fail 2sing the same list of songs by the same "grps"..(puzzled*) K anyway my frds (many) who hv "Gen-Gap" (nt jus in terms on music but thought as well) w/ me r nt necessary yonger than me, some r of the same age or even much older.....??

Okok I admit tt my mind is at a much older state than my age (hah okok tt includes poor memory oso! lolz*)...ever since I'm able to communicate thru' verbal language (< 1yr old)... & by cOntrast, I'm often in tt "play play" mood.. revealing tt in fact I do hv a lotsa "tong2 zhen1" in me too~ ^_^


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