By Pankai Khanna
What it says abt mine and let me comment on it ;p (no offence to the author, jus my personal opinion) :
[Physical Appearance]
-You are tall, fair complexioned and are blessed with a beautiful figure. (rubbish!)
-The forehead is large, nose is long and the eyebrows are high & bushy. (err not really.. the most ard 1/2 correct?)
-Eyes are bright and alert as a sparrow's . You can prove to be a good model or an actress. (eyes bright?- hmm.., alert- yea shd b more alert or rather sensitive to changes in general, "model/actress" -vomits*... ha)
[Mental Attitude]
-You are coverageous, ambitious and full of drive . You are able to push forward your interests. (hmm hope i can do it..)
-You will not be cowed down by the circumstances and are well capable of holding on to your ground even in most adverse circumstances. (quite true to a certain extent..depends on the circumstances...)
[General Nature]
-You take a decision only after studying any problem deeply. (yea sometimes.. 4 biG prob, coz small matters no need 2think so "deeply" ba =)
-A Sagi woman tends to look at the brighter side of the things and possesses good amount of self-confidence. (optimistic- true, general characteristic of a Sag mah, self-confidence- depends... okok trying to build up from now onwards..)
-She mostly acts as per her desire and is not much concerned about the results. She also has the habit of speaking as she wants to without thinking of the impact it can have on others. (totally untrue!!)
-Friendship comes easily to a Sagi woman . She can develop it in a moment and maintain it for a long period of time. You believe in fairplay & justice and often fight for wronged people. (hmm..hope it works well this way...)
-You will work to attain new knowledge and like to pursue higher education. You like to travel and shall go on long and short journeys a number of times in your life. You will also be able to attain your goals fast but after that you tend to waste lot of your energy. (eh erm, like to attain "new knowledge" -true, "travel" -wish to but no Vitamin M yet, "goals" fast? -so far, nt yet.. ha hope soonz lo >_^)
-Even after having a fair degree of success in her life, The Sagi woman does not feel satisfied and something deep within them does not let her rest. (hah this i'll ans when i achieved a "fair degree of success" 1st... ;D)
-You generally have good health and vigour. However there may be various problems related with stress. (gd health- true if minus all those flu, coughs & sore-throats, stress- true true..)
-As Sagittarious sign governs the hips, thighs and the loins , you can face problems connected with this region. Fractures, pains in joints and swellings in this region are also not ruled out. (tOuch woOd!! so far nO!)
-You will generally start your career in some kind of service but due to your nature that does not let you be a subordinate for long , you will move over to self employment quite soon. ("srv"? i hate being in srv line ley.. ha "self employment" -i like tt idea! ;p)
-A Sagi woman makes good money and property in your lifetime and shall be considered a successful and wealthy person. (oh wow, i hope this is true manz! wahaaa ;D ;D)
[Romance And Sex Life]
-You have a great desire to be in romantic setting, but you do not let your partner understand this. He will not be able to quite figure out your romantic nature as your outer crust is very cool. (haa tRrrue....)
-In addition to this you say certain things out of your honest nature which will dampen your lover's desire. This may lead to lots of crying though no one will understand you even then. But still, due to your glamour and beauty many men will be interested in you and you shall have a fair share of men. (i would say i'll try to take care of others' feelings as far as poss.., "glamour"?? bai4 tuo1 lor...)
-The catch here is : that if you learn over the years on 'how to handle men' - then you can have a love life which will make any woman jealous of you. You can easily win over any man and infact tame him. Once he understands your sincere and honest nature he will be glued to you for a life time. (huh?? hah, mayb some pple might open a course on this eh? bet many women out there'll b veri enthu to learn 'how to handle men'.. But it jus seems too superficial to me la~)
-You will have a great sex life and shall want more of it all the time. You will prefer outdoor settings. ("Mata!".... wahaaA*)
-Thighs and upper leg are your hotspots. (fever**)
-Too many proposals, is a problem for you. Selecting the right man from out of those is even more difficult. (like real!)
-The Sagittarian women are best of the home-makers and they decorate it with a great taste. They keep their men also in good shape and drive them to be more and more successful in work. ("decorate" ha more confident.. the lata, to be proven^^)
-You can handle the affairs of the house well though the daily jobs look quite boring to you. (definitely boring!)
-You have a great caring nature and you are loyal to your husband and shall stand by him in all the problems of life. You can be a big support for him in tough times. But, as you are not known to express your feelings eloquently , your honesty may sometimes be misunderstood. (hmm..sth to ponder...)
[Ideal Match]
-Those born in Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini are best suited for you. (dOesn't really matters. Indiv personality is much more impt!)
-You do not have the gift of gab as a result you may often end up putting your foot in the mouth. Be cautius in this regard. (nah... but i'm able to "put my foot into my mouth" like a baby leh, hahahaaa....)
-Try to understand the world better. Think how the other person will react before you speak. This will save you from many problems. (nah nah... think these 2 pts doesn't concern me.)
Lucky Days, Numbers And Colours :Thursday, Wednesday and Sunday are lucky days for you.
Lucky numbers are 3, 5, 6, & 8. (who wanna buy 4D? if strike mus give me "ang bao" leh ;D)
Lucky colours are Yellow, Green and light Blue.
(ahh i've heard too much abt lucky colours, numbers etc etc.. i wont rmb wanz sia~)
[Recommended Gemstones]
You should wear a yellow Sapphire along with an Emerald. The gemstones should be of vibrant aura and should never have been worn before. The weight shall be decided as per your body weight and age. (okie okie, listen up! who wanna give me a "yellow Sapphire" + an "Emerald" thenz?....... lolz*)
P/S: There're so many Sag women out there... I believed every1 is unique. Can't be 100% true for all... but indeed, it did pt out some general traits. =)
At 11:54 PM,
Inarticulate said…
I'm a Gemini!!! Muahaha.. Come come, take my hand!! ;P
At 10:32 AM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
trying to b funny eh..... keke nvmd i'll go tell ur Crystal.. ;D ;D
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