I NEED "Thirsty-Hippo"!!
Some ppl say "exams late", good good, got more time to study...but if i gota choice, i rather hv it starting & ending earlier (In fact, if ur exams starts earlier u'll automatically start preparing earlier)... For 3 yrs liao, every time by the time i finished mine, every1 hv already "done w/" their enjoying or even getting started w/ new stuffs le... Imagine when u finally get pass all those "hardships" & looking fwd to start hving fun w/ ur frds, then, everyone else doesn't hv tt kinda "after-exam-excitement" anymore... everything has "cool down".... Who can understand this kinda feeling ley?? ( "_" )
Aft watching "Ghost Train", i asked Yen when we can go kayat...ha but think she doesn't sound v enthu... & Xt said clearly le, dun ask her go kayat these days coz she kayat so often during her 3days orientation camp till she's "scared" lo...
Hiyy, really missed doing a lotsa things... ('cold' jacuzzi, Jurong wave swimming pool, cycling, kayat...bla bla bla) In fact, now even if ask me go for a stroll like a DOG i'll think it's fuN... ;-/ (simply bored**) Can't even chat online coz used up sO much internet time w/i these 2wks aft exams.. think i've 2 find somewhr to hide when the bill comes... >_<"
Well, other buddies as far as i know, either stuck w/ assignments, looking 4 temp jobs or preparing 4 sch-reopen... As for those buddies who r attached, oso dun wanna disturb them coz if they're really so free/bored they'll automatically come & "make noise"... Haaa i beri 'zi4 dong4' wanz k.. Though i always believe tt there're pure friendship btw guys & gals, sometimes jus dun wanna create unnecessary misunderstandings or even the slightest doubts... (I really dun like tt feeling of any1 doubting my personality/ 'ren2 ge2') Hah, so now guess wat? Super-duper 'wu2 liao2' me told Mab i'll go attend school w/ her nex tue night... Anyone else wanna invite me to their lectures??? wahaaaaaa....
Hah! During exam time i'm trap w/i 4walls + grill...(nth 2say) BUT aft exams, i still 'li2 bu4 kai1' these 4walls.. I'm gonna named it dd's "IC-W4"!! (Iron Cage-Wall 4)
At 8:02 AM,
Big O said…
I'm curious - what language(s) do you know and which one(s) are your native?
At 12:28 AM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
Mandarin, English & of course "Singlish" haaa...
At 12:40 AM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
Oh by the way, i don't use proper English here.. A lots of short forms... including "self-created" short forms/ terms.. For ur infor, Singlish is Singapore's unofficial but standard/unique "language" which consist mainly English + a little of (Mandarin, Malay & other dialects..) Many foreigners who've been here found it interesting. :D
At 9:44 AM,
Inarticulate said…
Me me!! Come attend lectures with me as well!! i dun want to feel alone on my first day of school! Muahahaha..
At 10:05 AM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
is there a 4th comment here? hmm how come i didn't see it ley?? (scratch*)
At 3:42 PM,
Inarticulate said…
wat talking you.. mine's the 4th comment wat.. your reply the 5th.. now my latest comment the 6th lor.
At 2:03 AM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
wahaaa dun b so serious la... think of my msg again..... think of wat u said & my reply.. ;D ;D lolz**
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