World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Friday, March 04, 2005

SiLLy cOOkieS

Unexpected.. but I actually spent the whole of yest figuring out wat's wrong w/ my cpt.. As long as I didn't solve my cookie prob, I knew tt I won't be able to concentrate on other things.. hee..stubborn I noe.. But anyway, I visited Mircosoft website and read up abt cookies stuffs, probs n etc.. err in d end, yes I still din managed to solve the prob! At d end of the day, I thought it over.. Hv I wasted anoth day? Even if I were to put my notes aside, I could hv gone out, play whole day & end the day much happier? No, but I think it's worth it. I've learn some things. ha.. tts me.. silly sometimes.. jus like the prev example when I was installing my modem for my broad band. The instructions wasn't clear & I'd install the wrong thing ahead & so on. My mum asked me to just called the person up for technical assistant.. but I said I wanna try to solve it myself 1st... ha stubborn again.. hee but I finally managed to fixed it up at d end of the day.. ;D Ok tt was the satisfaction or what i prefer to say 'cheng2 jiu4 gan3'.

Ok boring stuffs over.. sth 'wu2 liao2' againz.. It was on the papers (no I wasn't the one reading all these).. Anyway, it's abt Jay Chou & his new gf Hou Pei Ci caught in Jap bla bla... some dunno wat 'experts' says tt the gal was a Sag & it was nt suprising tt she gave up her v v rich ex bf to go w/ Jay (aiy I was thinking, Jay oso v rich wat).. K nvmd, the pt is they mentioned sth like if u give Sagittarians a choice btw 'bread' & 'ai qin', they'll choose the latter...(applies to gals only or both I'm nt sure). Haah but it was sO true!! I din noe tt was one of the characteristic of a Sag but anyway, I oways dun understand y my cousxxx & esp their parents were bragging how gd their bfs were, drive a car, own a condo n so on... ha... 'chao1 ji2 wu2 liao2' to me lo.. As if they're going to sell daughters like tt.... & Somemore some r younger than me & their parents were so serious abt their relationships & even, even, even hor, go & get their 'ba1 zi4' matched etc.. Wah!!! CraZy ah!!... I feel so fortunate tt my parents dun do all these.. & its gReat tt they dun mention too much of my stuffs to others. But on d other hand, I heard lotsa gossips fr d other sides abt courtships, break ups, studies, personal stuffs etc.. k la, but definitely won't like it if I were the one of the "zhu2 jue3" manz.. I need a lotsa pRiVaCy, yup! ;P


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