World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Monday, February 14, 2005

1402- Valentine's Day!!

Ok so watssup for today? Such a 'meaningful' friendship day! Ha nothing ley. Ah, got one la! A one & a half hours 'mass dating session' with our Indian lecturer.. WahaA.... Aft tt Mab xiao jie say wanna take some pics coz she happened to bring her digi cam.. then hor xiao jie buy & finish eating her chocolate le jiu say bye bye.. aft then msg me say 'ops'.. =D Haaa..nvmd la 'lai ri fang chang' ma..

Wow, today bef & aft sch there was a long queue outside Fish & Co... n when we go PS oso long queue outside cafe even! Hiy..if really wanna go such places shd hv plan it bef hand.. make reservations.. book movie tickets & so on. Hah last min decision only end up two person having a 'romantic' time standing tog side by side.. or sitting in the 'best' seats, right in front of the big screen! >_< harm no harm... Jus being "cheeky", heh ;p


  • At 5:42 PM, Blogger AnGeLiC PiE said…

    hehehe.. at least u enjoy wor... mi ah.. haizz

  • At 8:29 PM, Blogger XiaO dinG dAnG said…

    Aiyo when did I say i enjoyed it?! [Pathetic sia~ >_<]
    Who ah, last nite go celebrate w/ qin ren & me celebrate it in lect hall w/ Mr Rajoo!!! Ahhh...
    K la but then he oso quite poor thing, can't go back celebrate w/ his wife.. still hv to face us & Weber + Marx.. (Salute*)
    Heh heh me 'cai' not so 'wei da' ley, if i got go out sure no go cls! ^_^

  • At 9:16 PM, Blogger XiaO dinG dAnG said…

    I know wat's bothering u now.. Sorry I can't help much.. only can give u some of my own opinions.. I've posted it in ur blog.. Hope u'll find a way out of this 'fan nao' & everything'll be solved soon!!


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