World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Sunday, February 13, 2005

~Chow Yun Fatt took away my zzzing time~

Chey... ha actually last nite when I was jus abt to zzz... I saw his old movie (1990) showing on Ch 8. I luv those slightly older HK movies mah.. so stayed up n watch.. till ard 3am.. n then no mood to zzz le.. till 4am still awake! =P Heh my 'chu si' spent on eating 2-in1 breakfast cum lunch cheese spaghetti, making choco agar x2, travelling, [playing x-box (quite like tt "taxi" game), singing a few songs, eating steamboat, taking pics (aiyo really dunno how 2act cute la, dun laugh ley..), drinking a few sips of red wine, watching "tian cai gogogo" --> w/ 'da huo er men']... then reached home watch last part of "hua tian xi shi" & aft that Fatt Ge's movie...!! & sth worth mentioning, yest pass by my (used 2b) 'shang xin di' twice but no longer feels XXX anymore... >_@ Yeah, so happy!!!


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