About Me
- Name: XiaO dinG dAnG
- Location: Garden City, Singapore
I am who I am. This space is a wonderful place for me to note down some bits & pieces of life.. tears & joys.. frustrations & happiness... etc & etc.... Some true feelings...but not everything.. Some things are best left unsaid..& 'll be kept deep down in my heart... No, you can't read me like a book nor judge me by my appearance/behaviour.... As I've said, I am who I am.. Only I know myself best. >_^ If you've any doubts abt me, ask me. No assumptions.. No 'I think'.. No imposing of you own thoughts/beliefs on 'me'.. No grouping of me in a certain category/frame... Character has no boundary.. Everyone's different... I do think/analyse a lot but I rather trust my eyes than gossips... I treasure what I have now... Though yearn for more.. I shall work for it... No matter how tough it might be... Just hope I can do it! CheeRs~ ^_^
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- ~Chow Yun Fatt took away my zzzing time~
- >Seoul Raiders<
- 下一個永遠
- Party World
- [fAcE]
- SPy >_<
- (Sneeze sneeze*)
- Back from KTV...
- ‘Silent’ Night..
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At 8:59 AM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
Thanx for ur appreciation! ^_* Jus putting down some thoughts.. Hmm frankly speaking, I don't think I can be a gd writer.. My command in English is no good.. err & Chinese as well (though I hv more interest to express in Chinese) =P
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