World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Thursday, February 03, 2005

(Sneeze sneeze*)

Almost spent the whole of yesterday cleaning up my rm.. Left ard 20-30% now..but think won't hv the time to finish up today (classes).. It's not an ez task as i'm extremely sensitive to dust & so on.. A little bit can make me sneeze for hrs!! Luckily I managed to get rid of most of them in the rm w/ my secret weapon "Magiclean" (which I believe can reduce the amt of dust flying ard)!! haA.... but still, some 'ah-choos' r inevitable >_<

Keke CNY's coming! Those who wanna borrow/ get back notes from me, pls do it asap.. & of course those who owe me $, err erm.. u noe what to do eh? ;D Haa k la, I'm not veri particular abt all these stuffs but isn't it great to settle everything b4 starting of a new yr?

Hmm.. also thinking of baking some cookies for CNY this yr but..nt sure if hv the time... k let's wait & @.@!


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