World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Er erm.. 1402 is over..the most 'qi liang' val's day for datou.. hah 4 the past few yrs, as least got xiaotou to go out.. & this yr? poor xt is so sick tt din even go to work... so poor thing.. tell u le, see chinese doctor can recover sooner.. try la.. guai....('liang yao ku kou')

Hiy...'tan bai shuo' (frankly speaking), even if it's jus a meal/ show with a few gd frds would be nice... Aft all it suppose to be int'l friendship day ma... Heh actually would really like to watch [A Moment To Rmb*] for this yr's friendship dae.. Well, now I guess it can only be an 'Ideal'...

Sometimes I feel that it's so near... yet so far..........


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