World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Thursday, February 17, 2005

MarcH MocK

OH NO!! mock is jus a week away.. I jus realised it yesterday!! Ahhh.. tout still got 2 more wks to go... still in 'play-mood'.. Going crazy soon.. 'nan dao' I hv to 'gao ding' one subj per day!? Oh my! Names & Theories..Formulars & Figures.. >_< NooO... (Nightmare*)

=( & last mth's internet tot up to 35 hrs, exceeded by 5 hrs!! Control pls... Naughty hand, always click 'CONNECT'! Enuf of stupid ding dang's bills (only make head grow even bigger).. Ev mth hv to exceed sms & internet limit.. (hate it*) When can i keep them within 360# & 30#?!! (**Ideal: $20 + $26++)


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