TOday received the monthy newsletter... enclosed r all mbrs' personal details.... a few hundreds contacts!!! They didn't EVER get permission from us b4 publishing!!! THis is sooooo upseting.... I'm traumatized by this nOw!!!! Aft so many days of rest, I thought I can finally start studying again.. BUT why must this happens at this time??! I hate it..... Nobody can understand my feelings now!.... Though disclosure of my personal details is a biG deaL to me but the WORSt thing is the action behind this. All those who read all my posts b4'll noe tt PRIVACY is one of the tOp priorities in my life... I feel tt there's absolutely NO RESPECT for our privacy!! Now that nOthing can be done to solve what is done caN't be undone!! :::>_<:::
P/S: tt's y i can understand how pie pie feels when ur frd gave ur number to others w/o ur permission. I would also say tt applies to me as well.... I don't like pple giving my contacts away w/o my knowledge (haa unless tt person already got the contact but lost it somehow). I'm nt v fussy but jus simply don't like tt feeling... It's like betrayal by ur frd esp when in e 1st place u don't wan to give it to some particular pple. Ha pie pie hor?
At 12:45 AM,
AnGeLiC PiE said…
ya lah.... i hate it when ppl does tat to mi... hows ur paper?? enjoyig life now ah?? hehe
At 11:03 AM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
yea yea dunno who's enjoying life now lo..... ;E
At 8:27 PM,
AnGeLiC PiE said…
haha... how can u say that?? mi where got enjoying life?? hehehe.. looking for jobs now leh.... haizz...
At 1:38 AM,
XiaO dinG dAnG said…
haa no need to gan cheung la... play a while 1st lar.. keke hope tpo cya soonz.... waiting waiting... for my sufferings to end.......
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