World of XiaO DinG dAnG

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Wat's neW?

Heard abt the "Discovery Studio"? ..opened at Level 4, Century Sq.. @that place, anyone can record ur own song/ produce ur own CD at $38 for one song... heard from St, 10songs or wat cost $100++ near to $200...including photo shoots or what... nt sure if I rmb correctly... Hah & jus happened to catch a short clip on it on TV a few wks ago, hosted by Darren (Lin Ming Lun).

Nv been to Tamp for a long I dunno wat's going on there, esp aft the "upgrading" which I saw only on papers.. But anyway, I was quite surprised tt the "studio" was along the walkway, w/ a transparent glass window... Looks like a "display" to me.. which shows a gd view of the whole recording rm.. Hmm...wondering, is that on purpose? that customers can be put "on show" attract other "potentials"..?? Haaa... (k/d*)

Anyway find tt "Idea" not bad, in terms of "business-idea"... Sure can make $$ wanz.. Esp tt hot "KTV-trends" in Sg rite now... Haa but jus tt CS may nt be a gd location coz rental's too ex... As long u hv sufficient adverts, pple who wanna hv their voice recorded wouldn't mind travel all da way to some "ulu" places to ur studio. Rite? & Tamp's oso quite outa place for majority of Sg-reans... ;D Perharps I'm wrong ba... maybe the owner had got great rental bargains there at CS 'ye3 shuo1 bu4 ding4'... (ha I shdn't be too objective).

Speaking of KTV, recently I saw K-box's advert on dunno wat new range of drinks... wat red date tea etc etc.... haa, is tt sth tt'll attract us KTV-lovers to ur KTV outlets? Nah...I don't think so, at least for me la.. I personally don't quite like. Unless some frds organised, I won't initiate a sess there.. ;p Err... how to put it? ..err generally doesnt hv all "my type" of songs, & they tends to focus too much on new songs where nt everyone knows how to sing upon new albums release.

Not long ago I also read abt an article on LHZB by our fellow txy abt KTVs in Sg... most of them aft comparing K-box, K-ster & Party World, prefer K-box.. Perhaps it's "Gen-Gap" againz.. Many youngsters like 5566, Energy, SHE etc etc whose latest MTVs can only be found in K-box.... & as a result, they went K-box 4 tt reason.. I really hv frds who went every wk w/o fail 2sing the same list of songs by the same "grps"..(puzzled*) K anyway my frds (many) who hv "Gen-Gap" (nt jus in terms on music but thought as well) w/ me r nt necessary yonger than me, some r of the same age or even much older.....??

Okok I admit tt my mind is at a much older state than my age (hah okok tt includes poor memory oso! lolz*)...ever since I'm able to communicate thru' verbal language (< 1yr old)... & by cOntrast, I'm often in tt "play play" mood.. revealing tt in fact I do hv a lotsa "tong2 zhen1" in me too~ ^_^

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

weN問 sHi世 jiaN間 "seRviCe" wEi為 hE何 wU物?

Hiyzz.. the last time I went to X X Orchard, it really dissappoints me... I think their srv is getting from O-k to nOt-satisfactory.... or coz tt day came a new batch of staffs or it tt the bOss? Looks like to mE.. coz evth dunno... (y I said tt? coz usu boss only shake legs n dunno how to serve ppl mah.. Ops okok I noe this is jus S-T-E-R-E-O-T-Y-P-E-S! Wun let Rajoo down! heh heh...)

K, so wat happened was we were already 5mins late & as usu, they were nt ready... but this time, NOT even changed into their uniform yet!! Jus casual clothes walking ard.... hahah.. so funny.. is this professional?! K, nvmd the thing is that b4 us there were 2grps of pple who jus arrived & were still deciding on which package to take, asking qns... We on d other hand already booked in advance.. There was this 2 "higher-rank-than-waiter" guys, one entertaining the undecided grps... So I went fwd to ask d other guy what's our rm number so tt we could go in str away.... He said, no, gota wait for the other grps 1st.... Wah what is this manz???? You got nth to do, cant u jus check our rm no n let us in 1st..... while d other grps r still discussing wat rm to take n etc..

Hah I was getting a bit mad inside my head.. K, so we waited.... then finally it's our turn. It takes less than 20 seconds from checking till we sat down in our rm. A guy (forgot which one) brought us to our rm & left. Know what? He didn't even switch on the TV for us.. We tried to on it ouselves but it was not set to the right channel!! So, in d end I went out again & approach a lady waitress to help us on TV. She said ok.. Then ard 10mins later our TV is FINALLY being ON....... Then found tt the mike was not connected yet... We gotta "SELF-SERVICE" agaiNz!! ;-/

So at d end of the day, r they deserved to get paid 10% of our bill for this kinda srv?

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Haa.... v funny.. I think I'm starting 2hv generation gap w/ youngsters nowadays... I was at the Carrefour fair at Expo browsing at some cds.. Managed to grab a staff to ask sth abt Leslie's concert vcd vers tataa... then in d end it turns out nt to b sth I wanted.. The person friendly asked me to go over to take a look at 5566's latest dunno wat album... I gave a frown & said, "NO, do u have Danny Chan's cds or vcds?" WahAA..... (I think I noe wat the person mus be thinking when I said tt) I wanted to laugh badly at tt time but managed to 'ren'.. all da way till I reached home where I told mum abt it & we both laugh out LOUD!!!.... ;D

But can't be helped, I prefer the "older" generation singers.... & my "youngest & latest's" XT's voice & songs (Erm tt was during sec sch days BTW)! No other (new) singers since can 'chao1 yue4' my liking 4 tt voice.. I rmb tt time aft XT, came Nicholas Tse (whom I thought his voice's nt too bad), then was this F-4 craze, followed by a series of what pple "so called"- "ou3 xiang4 tuan2 ti3": Energy, 5566, R&B, K-one, & etc... Err... guess there's this really BIG generation gap la...... I do like nice songs here & there from different individual singers...but when it comes to liking a SINGER based on looks/dance... Er No way! Like tt they might as well be models, stand there take pics & let u look all u wan.. haaa..... [no offence*]

Sad to say, singers nowadays were no longer asked/expected to focus/master singing techniques like b4... u don't even need a gd voice to be one.. The high tech stuffs'll do all the necessary adjustments to make ur voice sounds "heavenly"! Even u do hv a gd voice, w/o gd looks or "potential gd looks", ur career path's gonna be tough... unless u got "XYZ-factors" or strong backstage or super riCh parents to suppOrt!! Ok, up till now I got many names in mind but think it's too much if I list the names out here.. better leave some face 4these artists.. After all, "the world's turning in this direction".. This is reality. It's a fact.

Monday, March 28, 2005

fOund wat I waN#

;D ;D happiE hAppY!! I finally bought tt concert vcd which I thought earlier tt it wasn't sold in Sg anymore.. but then later I saw it on the shelf at TS...a new version, nice package! Selling cheap oso, jus 6bucks & it's original HK-vers!! Hah even cheaper then some of those mainland vers! Hee tts nt all, I end up w/ anoth 2 movies too...ONE of which is Peter's show which can't b found in Sg earlier on.. =P & this vcd happens 2b imported China vers.. (hee hope there's more of them imported later on^)

Hmm actually I don't mind China vers cds or vcds as long as they're OriginaL ones. Jus tt I'm nt willing to pay a high price for them...Coz they're dirt cheap in China!! I'll feel silly if I were to buy- e.g. a cd for S$9.90. & Yea yea.. those Korean shows from China esp, I'll nv nv buy manz (unless, unless, real cheap & it's nt available any where else in other vers!)....Coz they're all in Mandrin ONLY!!! Those Sg importers even dare to sell these stuffs at the same rates as those wat I called- superior "duo-lang" vers & expect ppl to buy.... >_<

A lotsa record companies keep asking ppl nt to buy mainland vers albums.. nt allowed in autog session bla bla bla... Y? Coz they'll earn less ma.. tt's d only reason lo! For those who hv real passion in musiC, it doesn't really matters... As long as ur songs r heard by ppl, it's gd enuf.. Those who can afford, don't mind paying more for the nicer TW/HK etc versions but for those who jus wanna hear ur music, a China vers can b a not-bad-choice too.. It's far better than ppl d/l-ing from d net coz CDs r jus too ex in Sg! Taking Lee-H for e.g., during his prev album-[Unbelievable] promo, I didn't noe & missed out his promos...but anyway already bought his album b4 tt, (er erm, China vers coz was broke then), so later on went to ask him personally to sign.. Hah I'm sure he knew it but still happily signed (in full name even & etc etc..) Hah & recently I got truely inspired by his 'jian1 chi2' in Chinese-music..upon the release of his latest "X^Z^D^R^Y" album... ;) He's a real talent in music I mus say!

But needless to say... my top fav remains......... ^_*

Sunday, March 27, 2005

mOre thoughts leSs words

Heh so many things happens everyday.. haa the more things I've in mind, the less I type... What's this manz... Ha perhaps I don't know where to begin ba.... kk, till now let me see what's left in my mind... Ah some time ago a frd told me Sony & BMG merged?.. doesn't sound like a gd thing to me though... the mgt & all that changed..... & things doesn't seems as gd as it used to be.. Anyway it's non of my biz, jus "kaypo"! ;D

One bad thing abt recent weather was the "haze" or wat Mark called it "smog"... from dunno Indonesia's forest or Singapore's "forest" fire!!... So "choky".... sometimes makes me sneeze non-stop, sometimes makes the whole area smells, & even makes my eyes dry & red! ;-\ So, in d end I don't even noe wat exactly causes my current eye condition. Contacts/smog!? Oh yah, I bought a new type & brand of lens.... sounds great but haven't gotta try it out yet coz I jus opened a new pair of bi-weekly ones last wk.. But can't wait to try sia~

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Tell Me What Can I do

You and I we've been together for such a long time

I got so used to you

There're so much that we've been through

I still love you

There were days I thought for sure we'd thrown it away

Who was right who was wrong

It didn't matter

We just belong together

Tell me what I can do

I need you right here beside me

Please don't tell me we're through

How can you tell me we're through

Tell me what can I do to make you stay

Can't we try

There must be someway we can't say goodbye

You know I need you right now

Let's stay together

We'll work it out

I still love you

I'm not good at begging

I always had my pride

But there's no denying I need you deep inside... [by: Ragovoy Jerry]

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ message: another English duet I came across which I think is not bad too ;P

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


我掉入一個陷阱, 我願意, 不想逃離
沒有太多的劇情, 只相信一瞬間的感應... 
我的世界從此多了點擔心, 因為有妳..
我用盡所有的力氣, 再苦也能繼續..
不再猶豫, 只因為有妳.... --[蘇見信或]

Saturday, March 19, 2005

One wEEk Review..

Been a slacking wk for me... I found out on monday tt there was no sch in fact for this week!! urgGh... tt was only when I enter the sch, take a lift up, walked to the entrance of lect hall...hall totally dark w/o a single soul in sight...then I called Mab 2 ask where she is... then she said sth like "this wk no sch mah"...ok I realised by then!! (blur*)... hAA but a bit 'an1 wei4' tt quite a number of students went too! (hahaa.. bad-badz*) ;P Aft tt, 'bu4 zhi1 bu4 jue2', days passes very fast... Thurs being my most "swAy" day-- been walking & rushing here & there, sweating & panting, dissappointing, waiting & waiting.... Wed mah-- ok la, I roamed ard like a spirit (though in broad daylight ha)...from Orch to Little India on foot.. Mon & tue-- don't quite rmb wat I did le.. hah must be some 'rubbish' stuffs tt I don't even bother 2 rmb (lolz*)

Anyway watsup for todAe? By noon, I "slapped" my glasses & in d end I gota travel down to town to get it fixed or I shd say "twist" it back.. & 'shun4 bian4' ask my 'expert' wats wrong w/ my eyes... He says nth wrong, can still wear contacts.. hmm... shd I believe him? k anyway, gonna wear them tmr no matter wat.. promised Ft'll help her get sth tts v impt to her ;P Hopefully evth goes smoothly....

Ah!!! y HKD hv to depreciate at this time? or is anoth way, SGD appreciates? Been keeping a look out 4 the past few days but the rates were bad.. Till now I still haven't convert my HKD to SGD yet!! Coz it means S$10 less to charXXX if I change now... Wah I drag v long liaoz.. must settle this thingy asap & send a copy of the receipt to XX...if nt, later pple tout I cheat $$.. Pls pls... let it get back to 100:22 I'm v happy le! >_^

Friday, March 18, 2005

aI qIn bu neng zuO bI jIao

有多久沒再遇見你, 房裡沒了你的氣息 

聽說你比從前開心, 我還能有怎樣的情緒 

他很好, 他多好, 這些我並不想要知道
再難忘掉, 多狂烈的擁抱, 這回憶他怎麼給的到
他多好, 和我不同的好
最後是誰不重要, 因為我知道愛情不能做比較

就算是今天換一個人依靠, 明天誰又比誰好

別再說他很好, 他多好, 這些我並不想要知道
再難忘掉多狂烈的擁抱, 這回憶他怎麼給的到
他多好, 和我不同的好
最後是誰不重要, 因為我知道愛情不能做比較
希望你知道愛情不能做比較... --[彭學彬]

message: a song sang by Victor. hmm..find the title of the song quite meaningful, melody nt bad too.. ;p heh even my mum heard it for the first time also said tt it was nice~

Monday, March 14, 2005

xiN zhOng de ri yuE~

LeeHom's latest album-[心中的日月]
My recommendations:

** Forever Love
** 一首簡單的歌
* 在那遙遠的地方
* 心中的日月
* 星座(esp the chorus part)

Sunday, March 13, 2005


Ha aft watching "Hitch" halfway then realised Hitch was the name of a consultant! ;D ;D nt bad... a roughly 2hr show..which makes the 8.50 worthwhile.. haa no la, but I think it's quite a funny show (er erm, though some ppl don't agree lo).. but anyway I still quite like it.. heh guess it's jus time to relax & laugh... plot is nt tt impt aft all in a comedy~ ;P Anyway, ea of us is holding on to a lollypop & xt's the "best".. 2hrs & still cant finish tt tiny candy! wahaA.. hey hey dun beat me hor.. But anyway, didn't expect it to be so long..watched till pass midnight... hah thx to zulu.. tt we don't hv to take cab! ^_*

Recently keeps "reporting" to docts.. hiyy & the last time visit my 'daifu', he said tt I still looked like vaMpire... yes this's wat he say exactly, funny hor..? but been taking a lotsa tonic (tt doct recommended) for da past dunno how long le but seems tt my pulse's still nt "up to std" ;-\ (though much better & yes my blood pressure increase to norm le!Yeah!!)... but he said I need to continue.. kk must jiayou liao.... (ha but hope my nose won't bleed sia.. hAA~) Yes, some more bad stuffs.. polyclinic doct on d other hand says now no wear contacts.. urrgh..tts y last nite dt walked ard Orch blur blur... Can't imagine how I'm going to survive in sch w/o them!.. ;( but I rather hv a temp rest than can't wear them ever again.. [Pray hard nth goes wrong**]

Hmm wat else? dreamt of sth last nite.. sorta heart-breaking wanz... the selfish side of me hope tt it won't happen one day.. but the reality is, who knows? ....ha sometimes jus was wondering, wat a pathetic "lad" I am now... ..

Thursday, March 10, 2005

BeaUtiful sOng~~

地下鐵碰著她 好比心中愛神進入夢
地下鐵再遇她 沉默對望車廂中
地下鐵邂逅她 車廂中的暢談最受用
地下鐵裡面每日相見 愉快心裡送
每天幾分鐘 共你心聲已約會中
旅景何美麗 如在愛情小說中
日日地碰著她 無奈心中愛神要玩弄
地下鐵約會要是中斷 令我心暗痛

message: a song tt's suitable to listen before going to zzz... ;P no sad contents in dis song wuo.. it's one of the songs in one of my fav movies.. luv it so much! 'm looking for it's concert vcd.. but it's nt selling in most shops in Sg le... Saw it selling online in HK (ahh...)!! Ha nex time must bring video cam go Partyworld record le... Ops ;p

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


我的雙腳陷進愛中, 等了已好久好久
你的手從指間經過, 只能碰卻不能握

心裡好多話對你說, 你卻看著我沉默
這樣的相愛那兒有錯, 命運也難說服我

我不是個稻草人不能動不能說, 已把愛緊緊綁心中
我不是個稻草人沒人愛沒人懂, 再難再瘋我要結果

我不是個稻草人看天亮看日落, 就等你給我一雙手
我不是個稻草人不做夢不還手, 別用淚水逼我放手

就算全世界都笑我, 愛個人誰敢說錯
就算全世界都怪我, 我只要你跟我走

我不是個稻草人不做夢不還手, 別用淚水逼我放手... --[陳國華]

Monday, March 07, 2005

whO aM I

{no ans.}

LOves the sun & the rain....

Likes sad songs, lyrics, composing, writing & even posting sad stuffs...but holds a rather more optimistic view at things mOst of the time... (Sometimes hv to force ownself to be more pessimistic.. to avoid greater dissappointment?)

When satisfied w/ a current situation, jus wanna enjoy tt moment & don't be bothered by anyth else...but somehow, carries fears & worries abt the future.. (self-contradictory!?)

Loves open space, excitement, fun, lively events...but oso enjoyed being alone, loCked up... (split personality??)

Feels so fortunate most of the time...but the depressed sidE is there all the while... (coexistence?)

Little things can brighten up..but oso daMpens the day easily... (xi3 nu4 wu2 chang2?)

Able to like & dislike a person at the same time.. (wat is this manz?)

Enjoys the process of learning..but hates studying & exams to the cOre!!... (normal?)

Can be someone who accepts the idea of 'tian1 ta1 xia4 lai2 dang1 bei4 gai4', being "happy-go-lucky"...but feels so stressed up w/ life as well.... (??)

Often take things easy..but aware tt am a perfecTionist in fact... (scratch scratch*)

Very open-minded to others...yet being traditional while dealing w/ inNer-thOughts... (ha~)

Can accept others faults....but can't 'bao1 rong2' own miStakes.. (zi4 wo3 yao1 qiu2? >_<)

Willing to share 'kai1 xin1' :) stuffs...but keeps 'bu4 yu2 kuai4' ;'( things... (spread happiness & minimise sufferings?)

Smile/ laugh when feel like it...but hold back tears & ctrl anger as far as poSs.. (gd actor? >_^)

Don't like the idea of being controlled by others...but can't helped to be controlled emOtionally sometimes... (wu2 nai4!)

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Yeah!! now my Richwin97 works nomally againz (aft a few times uninstalling & installing back)! Heheee... but hor me jus bought & install Chinese Star ley... SOmemore is aft a few exchange then I got the right version..(coz mus find one tt's compatable w/ my Win98 SE ma ^_*) Optimistic view: aft trying out Chinese Star, convinced by wat everybody who used the two S/Ws bef said. Richwin's more user-friendly! (k, mayb i need more time to get used to CS).

kk I noe it seems like evth I use is v outdated.. No choice lar.. If can use then continue to use lo... wasteful to keep upgrading while the old ones r still usable, rite? So...hp & cpt shall continue to "serve me" while cam need to upgrade liaoz (still will use sometimes coz negs still results in better qlty pics).. heh heh a bit 'an4 shuang3' tt the Sony 5.1mp digi cams prices hv dropped by ard 200+ (hoped I din see wrongly)!! haha aft exams this june or perhaps during this yr's Comex Fair, I'm surely gonna buy one! :D

Dunno y today mood quite gd! Mayb coz yest & today din study..(wahaa*) Oh tts nt too gd but nvmd la, gotta relax... & my eyes turning red again (aft wearing contacts- oh nO dun tell me my eyes sensitive to contacts liaoz)!! Anyway mus let it hv more rest... past few days StARed too much at cpt! Ok recalled: today erm... went out w/ fam go buy things... sell things.. came home makan makan... watched pre-recorded shows (last night's Guess Guess Guess, fri night's X-treme makeover--> tOuching!)... bla bla... Hah guess I kinda 'chong3 huai4' le coz now don't hv so much patient to wait & watch commercials.. Instead, jus liked to rec it & F-Fwd all da 'guang3 gao4-s'.. Silly, shd hv bought a G-code VCR tt time! >_<

Keke tonite preparing to hear an interesting "story"..........

keke now getting better at Chinese Star.. Richwin97 is too old liao, think it clashes w/ my new vers of msn. Anyway, I email all Sg dealers le, if wan upgrade RW one say need $110 and anoth one says $150, ha see how pple like to anyhow 'kan3 cai4 tou2'? But heh find dealer no.2 more skillful/ better in mkting coz he said sth like outside selling for $300 but we provide update for only $150.. Dealer no.1 only said, available & $110. Hah see, pple w/ better biz knowledge can 'hun4' better in this line..... but as a consumer, coz nt gg to upgrade now la, X$ ;p

heh... oh BTW guess life's getting more interesting for xt le.....

Update (170305):
yo hu... now completely switched to Chinese Star lo.. nt bad... hv more fonts n etc... heh~

Friday, March 04, 2005

SiLLy cOOkieS

Unexpected.. but I actually spent the whole of yest figuring out wat's wrong w/ my cpt.. As long as I didn't solve my cookie prob, I knew tt I won't be able to concentrate on other things.. hee..stubborn I noe.. But anyway, I visited Mircosoft website and read up abt cookies stuffs, probs n etc.. err in d end, yes I still din managed to solve the prob! At d end of the day, I thought it over.. Hv I wasted anoth day? Even if I were to put my notes aside, I could hv gone out, play whole day & end the day much happier? No, but I think it's worth it. I've learn some things. ha.. tts me.. silly sometimes.. jus like the prev example when I was installing my modem for my broad band. The instructions wasn't clear & I'd install the wrong thing ahead & so on. My mum asked me to just called the person up for technical assistant.. but I said I wanna try to solve it myself 1st... ha stubborn again.. hee but I finally managed to fixed it up at d end of the day.. ;D Ok tt was the satisfaction or what i prefer to say 'cheng2 jiu4 gan3'.

Ok boring stuffs over.. sth 'wu2 liao2' againz.. It was on the papers (no I wasn't the one reading all these).. Anyway, it's abt Jay Chou & his new gf Hou Pei Ci caught in Jap bla bla... some dunno wat 'experts' says tt the gal was a Sag & it was nt suprising tt she gave up her v v rich ex bf to go w/ Jay (aiy I was thinking, Jay oso v rich wat).. K nvmd, the pt is they mentioned sth like if u give Sagittarians a choice btw 'bread' & 'ai qin', they'll choose the latter...(applies to gals only or both I'm nt sure). Haah but it was sO true!! I din noe tt was one of the characteristic of a Sag but anyway, I oways dun understand y my cousxxx & esp their parents were bragging how gd their bfs were, drive a car, own a condo n so on... ha... 'chao1 ji2 wu2 liao2' to me lo.. As if they're going to sell daughters like tt.... & Somemore some r younger than me & their parents were so serious abt their relationships & even, even, even hor, go & get their 'ba1 zi4' matched etc.. Wah!!! CraZy ah!!... I feel so fortunate tt my parents dun do all these.. & its gReat tt they dun mention too much of my stuffs to others. But on d other hand, I heard lotsa gossips fr d other sides abt courtships, break ups, studies, personal stuffs etc.. k la, but definitely won't like it if I were the one of the "zhu2 jue3" manz.. I need a lotsa pRiVaCy, yup! ;P

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

dreaMz fm~

Funnyz.. dreamt of the same person almost consecutively for the past few days.. w/ other different frds on different days.. hah this nv happened bef.. weird weird! Ppl oways say dreams r opp of reality.. dunno true anot but anyway nvmd la... even if true I oso prefer nt to hv bad dreams... ha..rrreally scared of nightmares man..(sweat*)

Anyway, dunno y these days computer oso 'weird weird' wanz.. sometimes very retarded.. Even aft I removed all da spywares.. K now it's my chinese S/W tt keeps hanging my PC whenever I try to open it.. yy? Ah...w/o chinese prog, half things can't be done: can't send/reply chinese emails.. type chinese n etc... ;-\ Furthermore 'dear' frdst website which I thought had improved a lotz since it jus started in terms of speed n so on.. Now? It jus keeps me from logging in!! urRgh... dunno is it my PC or their system's prob... Hate "coOkies"!! wahaA...but definitely nt the ones tt i usu eat^~

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